Believe it or not we have been here for a week after having a nice drive over on December 3rd.. It takes 5-6 hours depending on stops. We are staying at place about 10-12 miles from the hospital in a nice peaceful, quiet complex where many other patients stay and the drive takes about 20”. Rush hour here is nothing like in DFW! The dogs have plenty room to roam and they seem to enjoy LR.
Monday & Tuesday were testing days & they both went well. I did find out why my stamina has been so poor – my hemoglobin was < 10. The rest of the labs hadn’t changed much except the plasma cell % in my bone marrow increased from 42 to 60%in the past 2 months. The normal is about 5% so basically over 50% of my bone marrow is cancer cells.
Thursday I met with my doctor, Frits van Rhee, who is from the Netherlands and trained mostly in London & Oxford. He is one of those geeky MD, PhD guys with the soles falling off his shoes, Dr. Zorba type hair, etc. but he is very patient, cool & funny and obviously very smart. We like him a lot plus he swears so that makes him very special to me.
Everything started on Friday morning at 0800. I went to radiology and had a Trifusion catheter placed under fluoroscopy. They used to place a normal triple lumen catheter then exchange it with a Quinton for stem cell harvest and the switch back – obviously a lot of costly, painful hassles. The Trifusion is used for everything so no switching. They just started using it so I am one of the 1st patients to have it. It is a triple lumen right IJ that they tunnel under the skin and bring it out of the right upper chest wall so it kinda resembles a subclavian. I expect I’ll have it till at least after my 1st transplant.
From there I had my first leukapheresis and from that they will develop the vaccine I will be receiving. That process took about 3 hours. Then in the afternoon it was to the chemo room from a huge potpourri of poisons – Decadron 40 mg & Thalidomide 200 mg (both P.O.), Cytoxan, Cisplatin, Etoposide and Adriamycin all via continuous infusion via pump so I carry them around in a camera-type bag. I go in every day to have the bags changed & dressing checked. These all go for 4 days then it will take about 10-14 days for my counts to drop & recover then we will begin to harvest stem cells and start vaccinations, etc. Additionally I am on Lovenox because Thalidomide can cause clots, Levaquin, Diflucan, Acyclovir, and Zantac. If things go well with the stem cell harvests – it takes 2 to 6 depending on how may stem cells I produce, we may be able to return home a few days for Christmas, but I’m not going to jump to any conclusions.
This morning I woke up with a headache & queasiness. I took my pills then waited a while and ate some oatmeal which I barfed up in < 5”. I actually felt pretty good after that. The rest of the day went well but I have been kinda grumpy which as you all know is unusual for me. This afternoon we were in & out of the clinic in about 1 hour which is real good. The weekends appear to be pretty quiet.
Mary Jo has been spoiling me rotten so I really gotta say it’s all bueno!