Dry Run
After 2 frustrating days of talking to voicemails, no returns of email messages and talking to people who did not know what the hell they were talking about we found out today that the earliest I can start is December 5th because they are solidly booked in November because of the holiday next week. Then I have to repeat all those same tests I did back in October i.e. blood work, all the radiology studies and bone marrow biopsy before I can begin the protocol because more than 30 days will have elapsed from all those October tests to the start of the study. This was something we were never told back then. I gotta say there is a so called study coordinator there who over the past few weeks either gave me no information or grossly incorrect information that I would like to BOOT IN THE ASS!!!
Actually I took this all pretty well once I talked with the clinic nurse and cooled off, but then again you all know what a patient person I am anyway. My sainted wife took the news a little worse and was quite pissed – you could have fried an egg on her head. Believe me; you don’t want to be around Mary Jo when she is pissed off. And in the midst of all that one of our dogs ran off and disappeared. Fortunately I found her about a half hour later when I was driving around searching and Mary Jo didn’t know about it till after I found her. My life could have ended right there.
But the good news is I finally got a hold of my doctor’s clinic nurse today who set everything straight and finally explained to me what the hell was going on and why. Consequently we came back home today and will be here for Thanksgiving with our kids. It is likely we will be in Little Rock for Christmas but what the hell; at least we finally have a plan of action and I’d rather be home for TG anyway - more food. So it’s all BUENO! And after spending more time in Little Rock the past few days, I really wish that many years ago I had gone into dentistry and moved to Arkansas. I could have retired at age 40 or less. (JUST JOKING)
This will also give me time to write a lot of thank you notes. I am still searching for words to express my gratitude for what we were given at the party. Our drive home was speechless as MJ and I were numb in shock. I cannot recall being so taken aback in my life. It was unbelievable, like on those reality shows. You are all amazing people. I am so humbled by your caring and kindness.
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